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Corak : Jurnal Seni Kriya
ISSN : 23016027     EISSN : 26854708     DOI : -
Core Subject : Humanities, Art,
CORAK adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Kriya, Fakultas Seni Rupa, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta dengan nomor p-ISSN: 2301-6027 dan nomor e-ISSN: 2685-4708. Jurnal ini berisikan tentang artikel hasil penelitan, gagasan konseptual (hasil pemikiran), penciptaan, resensi buku bidang seni kriya dan hasil pengabdian masyarakat dalam bidang kriya.
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Articles 13 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 11, No 2 (2022): NOVEMBER 2022" : 13 Documents clear
Aesthetic Analysis Of English Embroidery On Modification Of Traditional Clothing Onion Bones Juliana Safitri
Corak Vol 11, No 2 (2022): NOVEMBER 2022
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/corak.v11i2.7305


The traditional clothing of the Tulang Bawang province of Lampung is thick with eastern traditions with closed clothing models and upholds the value of modesty. The traditional clothes of Tulang Bawang are eaten as a symbol to show the greatness of Lampung culture. The traditional clothing of Tulang Bawang must be preserved so that it remains in demand by the public and can be introduced more widely. One way is to make modifications. The use of decoration on clothing is also very influential and will add value to dress. The application of English embroidery as a decoration on clothing was chosen because English embroidery has unique characteristics that distinguish English embroidery and other embroideries. The use of English embroidery on the dress will display an exclusive impression on the clothing and will undoubtedly support the realization of the modification of the traditional Tulang Bawang clothing that is used for party occasions. This study aims to discuss the aesthetics of applying English embroidery to the improvement of the traditional clothes of Tulang Bawang. The research method was carried out with a qualitative descriptive method. The results of the author's research on fashion work with the theory put forward by Darsono Sony Kartika (2007), the fashion works have met the quality of aesthetic values. The aesthetic value of clothing can be seen from the elements, which include: unity, harmony, symmetry, balance, and contrast.
Spirit Pribahasa Mambangkik Batang Tarandam In The Ceramic Artwork Dwita Anja Asmara
Corak Vol 11, No 2 (2022): NOVEMBER 2022
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/corak.v11i2.8386


Mambangkik batang tarandam is a Minangkabau proverb meaning an attempt to revitalize something ancient to be beneficial and sustainable. There is a cultural transformation and value change in traditional art and lifestyle of the Minangkabau People. This creation aims at (1) understanding and internalizing the spirit of mambangkik batang tarandam contained in the forgotten, neglected, marginalized, and faded symbols through creative and innovative ceramic; (2) resurging the people, especially the people of Minangkabau, to revitalize Minangkabau’s traditional arts that have nearly been ignored and neglected. The art works were created in four phases: (1) Exploration; (2) Experiment; (3) Design; and (4) Realization. The ceramics were made of stoneware clay from Singkawang and Sukabumi. Pinching, slabbing, and casting techniques were employed.  At the end, the ceramics were combined with bamboo, wood, cloth, and fiberglass as the supplementary materials. In conclusion, the created art works are expressed to do not only express beauty and self expression but become  social criticism and awareness to maintain the presently neglected local wisdoms.
Three-Dimensional Graphic Innovation Based On Computer-Aided Design (CAD) As A Simulation Of Vishnu Jewelry Design Wisnu Febriyanto
Corak Vol 11, No 2 (2022): NOVEMBER 2022
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/corak.v11i2.7143


One of them is the presence of Computer Aided Design (CAD) based software to be one of the solutions in the world of design. This CAD can help a designer in visualizing and translating his ideas through three-dimensional graphics (360° rotation). CAD-based three-dimensional software has several advantages: starting with precision when drawing the design, as well as providing specifications and elements related to the design ise. This technology is efficient and helpful if used to create jewelry designsThis innovation can save the design flow, besides that the designer can display his ideas as a whole (before prototyping) so that corrections can be made quickly. Modifications can be imposed on the shape, size, material use of the product, and so on. This CAD can also convert "commands" from digital format into mechanical motion commands on a production machine (Computer Aided Manufacture / CAM) so that production can increase both in quality and quantity. A designer becomes the starting point for making products and is also able to provide solutions to the products produced. It would be perfect if a designer was able to operate this graphic application.
Product Innovation Traditional Pottery Crafts Gorontalo I Wayan Sudana; Hasmah Hasmah
Corak Vol 11, No 2 (2022): NOVEMBER 2022
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/corak.v11i2.7027


Gorontalo’s traditional pottery crafts had stagnation and were nearly extinct because it is deserted by its users. Presumed it happened because the final products are less innovative. Thus they are unable to fulfill the dynamics of market demand. This study aims to innovate Gorontalo’s traditional pottery products to be able to regain interest in the market. Studies use the method of art creation that is done through several stages: 1) exploration to discover the concept of design creation; 2) Designing to visualize the concept into visual design; 3) realizing of the design into the product prototype; 4) evaluation in order to envision market prospects. Throughout the process of research, six innovative pottery prototypes were made. The innovative value of these prototypes appears to the uniqueness of forms and finishing’s color variation. The distinctiveness of each prototype is reflected on the cultural art image of Gorontalo and forms of endemic animal of Sulawesi, which became the origin of the creation idea. Based on the evaluation, these all prototypes are said to have promising market prospects and worthy of production. Therefore, traditional Gorontalo pottery craftmens are advised to produce such prototypes to fulfill the dynamic demand of the market so that traditional pottery products do not lose consumers.
Application Of Ornamental Typography On Stainless Steel Media as Decoration Of Angkringan Teapot Budi Hartono
Corak Vol 11, No 2 (2022): NOVEMBER 2022
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/corak.v11i2.9188


Creativity in designing local Indonesian products needs to be carried out continuously in anticipation of the flood of imported products from various countries worldwide. The application of engraphing to industrial products strengthens the appearance of goods that have an impact on the quality of their value. This study aims to make innovations with stainless steel medium engraved on certain parts of the item so that the product looks more artistic. The effect produced is to adopt a typical angkringan teapot from the Klaten area. This research method is qualitative research combined with the design of the work. This research stage begins with data collection, data analysis, and presentation of analysis results. The analysis results are used as material for designing angkringan teapot products, which starts with extracting ideas, developing designs, and realizing outcomes.
Material Recycle Teak Wood Root Waste From The Sea For Home Decoration Products Alfiyanti Nurril Hidayah
Corak Vol 11, No 2 (2022): NOVEMBER 2022
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/corak.v11i2.7359


Recycle material teak wood root waste from the sea is the purpose of this writing; the material that will be used as home decoration products is obtained from fishermen who are at sea and find a lot of teak wood that is washed away then under the edge of the beach then the Recycle process is carried out.  In this design process, it uses a method that includes several stages, including The observation and analysis stage; The imagination stage consists of exploration activities and engineering and material experiments; The imagination development stage is focused on maturing concepts as a result of problem evaluation; The implementation stage of design decisions that are ready to be worked. The method above is then called the process of creating Practice-led Research.
Digitization Of 3d Tote Bag With Contemporary Batik Motif Of Keris Siginjai Grace Ekklesia Siagian; Anung Rachman
Corak Vol 11, No 2 (2022): NOVEMBER 2022
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/corak.v11i2.6442


Technological advances now require students to be more creative and improve their digital skills. However, it cannot be separated from this hand expertise in sketching is still needed even though there is the technology. Also, the need to use the concept will later be related to digitising 3d tote bags with contemporary batik motifs keris siginjai. In the design of this final project, work through visualization of the siginjai kris as the main object by doing a visual depiction in the form of a siginjai kris as a contemporary batik motif inserted into a denim-based tote bag. The methods applied are redefining, Design Thinking, and Prototyping methods. Making 3-Dimensional digitization of a product design can make it easier for respondents to display the final form of a product design.
Contemporary Craft Art On Jewelry: Case Study Of HS Silver Kotagede Company Joko Subiharto
Corak Vol 11, No 2 (2022): NOVEMBER 2022
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/corak.v11i2.8505


Jewellery in the KBBI (Big Dictionary Indonesian) means items used for decoration, such as rings, earrings, bracelets and others. Jewellery is often created with gold and silver materials, so the price is relatively high according to the high cost of the material. Along with the times, jewellery evolved in design, material, function and technique. HS Silver is one of the silver jewellery companies in Kotagede Yogyakarta, which was founded in 1953 and still exists today. HS Silver Kotagede can survive and thrive today because it applies contemporary craft art styles to its designs and jewellery products. Contemporary craft art leads to various new concepts and visual forms that are developing in the present or present. Based on this, this study aims to: 1) determine the influence of contemporary craft art on HS Silver Kotagede jewellery products and 2). Describe modern jewellery products HS Silver Kotagede. Research methods use a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection is carried out through literature study, field observation, interviews and documentation. The data obtained are analyzed interactively, consisting of data reduction, presentation and verification. The results showed that since the 1980s, the HS Silver company has adopted contemporary concepts and designs, also known as contemporary craft art. Various contemporary styles influenced the jewellery concept at HS Silver Kotagede in design and material aspects. The design takes specific themes from nature and the socio-culture of the surrounding community, such as the shape of a pineapple, bird cages and rockets. In addition to the design, there are changes in the materials used that do not only use the same but are also combined with other media such as ropes, resins, etc. Jewellery that uses contemporary craft art styles can open new trends and markets for HS Silver because the designs are fresher and more up-to-date. The results showed that since the 1980s, the HS Silver company has adopted contemporary concepts and designs, also known as contemporary craft art. Various contemporary styles influenced the jewellery concept at HS Silver Kotagede in design and material aspects. The design takes specific themes from nature and the surrounding community's socio-culture, such as the shape of a pineapple, bird cages and rockets. In addition to the design, there are changes to the materials used that do not only use the material but are also combined with other media such as ropes, resins and so on. Jewellery that uses contemporary craft art styles can open new trends and markets for HS Silver because the designs are fresher and more up-to-date.
Inspiration For Carving Gorga Adop-Adop In Technology-Based Pop Batik On Ready-To-Wear Clothing Yayuk Apriyani
Corak Vol 11, No 2 (2022): NOVEMBER 2022
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/corak.v11i2.6926


Technology-based pop batik is a popular style of contemporary batik with part of the production process using technology without leaving the rules of batik. Technology is the lifestyle of today's younger generation, which causes the traditional batik handicraft industry not to become a job opportunity that is in demand by the younger generation. Batik craftsmen are now living with the elderly, and it is complicated to regenerate in the field of batik crafts. There needs to be an adjustment between the development of the era and traditional culture so that the younger generation is interested in developing batik. The adjustment step that can be done is to process batik based on technology without leaving the rules of batik itself. This research uses the approach of textile design creation methods, aesthetic practices and semiotics. This research discusses how the implementation of Adop-Adop Gorga carving is an inspiration for technology-based pop batik motifs. Research shows that the technology-based batik process can be a solution to the complex problem of regeneration of traditional batik craftsmen and Adop-Adop Gorga carving as inspiration for pop batik motifs with a technology-based batik process is a uniqueness that distinguishes it from other contemporary batik motifs.
Fixator Mix-Nature: Experiment of Fixator Composition as a Natural Color Booster For Handmade Batik On Cotton Fabric Media Tri Wulandari
Corak Vol 11, No 2 (2022): NOVEMBER 2022
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/corak.v11i2.9187


The natural staining process requires a fixator as a locking or reinforcing agent for colour results. The fixator materials used in general are an alum, lime, and tunjung. The natural nature of colour extract substances and the use of appropriate fixators influences the strength of natural colour results in handmade batik. This Mix-Nature Fixator experimental research combines a mixture of ingredients from alum, lime, and tunjung with a composition ratio of 1:1:1, 1:2:1, 1:3:1, - 2:1:1, 2:2:1, 2:3:1 - 3:1:1, 3:2:1, 3:3:1. The purpose of this study is to compile a table of the composition of mixed fixators of alum, lime, tunjung; to know the components of chemical elements; and to explain the success rate of Fixator Mix-Nature in the fixation process of dyeing natural colour batik on cotton fabrics. This research uses experimental methods and literature studies as the primary data collection techniques. The element test method uses the Qualitative ED-XRF test method. The practice of analyzing natural colour data results compares colour fastness test results to soap washing. The results of this experimental research are: 1) Fixator Mix-Nature table from the comparison of the composition of alum, lime, and tunjung; 2) the chemical elements in the Mix-Nature Fixator can be a unitary component of the reinforcing agent resulting from natural colours; and 3) The success rate of using the Mix-Nature Fixator that most affects the quality of natural colours is A3 Code Fixator. Code A3 Fixator results from Alum material: Chalk: Tunjung in a ratio of 1:3:1 are highly recommended as fixator substances in the fixation of natural colours.

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